
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pine Needle Baskets

Several years ago I learned the art of making pine needle baskets.  I've never sold any of these, but if anyone is interested in purchasing I will come up with a price.  One thing to remember about basketry, there are never any two identical.  Here are pictures of some of the ones I have made... including a pine needle dog sled!  My husband and I went to Alaska to visit my very bestest friend (from kindergarten).  While we were there she had a friend that showed us his sledding supplies, dogs, sleds etc.  As a thank you I made him a pine needle dog sled. Pin It Now!


  1. Those are really pretty! My mother-in-law use to be a big crafter & sold stuff in local art should look in to something like that! Stopping by from the @SITS #commenthour!

  2. Cool! I make lots of things, but I've never made anything like those. #CommentHour rocks!

  3. Stopping by from the SITS Comment hour. very nice basket, love it!

  4. awesome! those look great! Where did you go to make those? Here from #commenthour

  5. Holy cow! You made those from pine needles? You are so creative! Stopping by from SITS comment hour?

  6. hello there from #commenthour

  7. Wow, those are gorgeous! I wish I was that crafty! Stopping by from #commenthour

  8. Beautiful Baskets. Visiting from #CommentHour.

    Just One Donna at

  9. Wow - that is fantastic! Very talented.

    stopping by from SITs Comment hour

  10. Great baskets - looks like you have fun making them
    stopping by from sits


  11. How talented are you! Your baskets are beautiful! I always wished I had a talent like this! Stopping by to share some SITS Comment Love!

  12. A gal from church had some ladies over a number of years ago and we made egg baskets out of willow branches from her willow tree. It was so cool!!

    ~Mimi from the #commenthour

  13. Thank you ALL!!

    @ Kari: I lived in Winnemucca, NV for 26 years prior to moving here to Tucson, AZ. During my stint in Winnemucca I learned how to do the pine needle basketry. I made one recently (the one with the black background) because my girlfriend's daughter wanted one... so it was her Christmas gift. :)

  14. Wow, I didn't know you could weave with pine needles... you must have slim fingers!

  15. @Caren: You don't weave the pine needles you wrap them with (imitation) sinew. My fingers aren't as slim and trim as they used to be! LOL Age is getting to them... LOL ;)

  16. These baskets are great for bread, muffins and all kinds of other stuff. Another craft I see you do that requires detailed work.

    I love your stuff!

  17. I did a search on You Tube for pine needle basket making. Here are the results, there are several videos here you may be interested in looking at;


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