
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Easel names

One of the things I (we) purchased for my grandsons were these Table Top Easels.  Somewhere along the way during this year I found them for 50% off (yep... I'm all about sales!!)

They are both the same color... I had started to wrap one of them and thought...


I've got an idea!!!

I pulled them both out of the box, I got my silhouette out and opened the program on my computer...

I typed in their names (using Comic Sans font) AND... I even remembered to flip the lettering!!  Are ya proud of me???  (I am!!  LOL)

I then cut out the letters (on blue fuzzy t-shirt iron on vinyl)

After which I always use our paper cutter to cut a straight edge

I pulled the negative pieces off the plastic backing.
Then, being careful to use a towel to protect the red fabric, I ironed the letters onto the easels...

I forgot to take a picture until after I'd already had "J's" wrapped.  I am pleased with how they turned out! 

Now... when J gets a hold of D's easel mom will be able to tell the difference!!! 


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