
Monday, April 11, 2011

New Order / Busy Weekend

I'm so excited!  I have a new order for a new beaded ornament!  I need to design a new pattern (dolphins and lighthouses), but that's half the fun!  :) 

I'm glad I got the painting done while I took the bird nest down... there's another one up there in the same spot!  We might be having babies after all!

I've gotten a couple more rows completed on my husband's "Brooks" project and more painting done on the house.  I even managed to get some house cleaning done!  Haha

My son sent us pictures of his nephew (our grandson) playing T-ball.  The grandsons are growing up so fast!

It's a good day!

Blessings to all! Pin It Now!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun project - a dolphin and lighthouse! T-ball is the best much fun. My son is playing with the big kids now and it is intense. Thanks for coming by 504 Main and entering the giveaway.


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