
Friday, September 23, 2011

Editor's Pick

I have to tell you I received a most exciting email this morning!

Hello, Toqua!

I just stumbled upon your blog and you have a really great crafts site! I like that you showcase so many different crafts that you do.

I’m an editor at Craft Corners, which is part of’s blogging network, and thought your site was particularly exceptional. I wanted to give you a button for your site for being an “Editor’s Choice.”

Thank you for your time and keep up the great work!

Pocketchange Editor
Craft Corners:
Description: become logo sml 

This is a GREAT way to start a day let me tell you!!

Pin It Now!


  1. Congratulations! This is a real honor! And so well deserved.

    Love from your sister, Marty


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