I just stumbled upon "Toqua's Crafts" and think you have a really great site! I run a blog myself, and I
look through so many blogs each day, so I feel I can easily recognize and
appreciate extraordinary blogs. Your designs are creative
and unique and I really like your homemade pinwheel wreath. I haven't seen those crafty pieces in so long! I absolutely love that
you showcase so many different projects that give great tips and ideas
for a wide variety of events and occasions.
I’m an editor at Craft Corners,
which is part of Become.com’s blogging network, and thought your site was
particularly exceptional. I wanted to give you a button for your site for being
an “Editor’s Choice.”
We took great affinity to the
content of your site. Your designs are a one-of-a-kind product anyone
would be proud to display!
Pin It Now!
cool :)