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My bestest girlfriend Emily (we've been friends since Kindergarten) has a grandma turning 100 in April, 2013. She would like to be able to give her grandma 100 birthday cards for her birthday. Would you be willing to send her a card? If you would please leave a comment with a way I can contact you with a mailing address. Personally I think it would be neat to have a couple of cards from outside the United States. (On a side note: My husband's grandma is turning 100 in August 2013! His other grandma is 97'ish).
There have been 17 different US Presidents in the last 100 years.
I found a list of highlights of the past 100 years here. I have listed a few that I found most interesting. This list went only through 2000. What have you found most interesting in the last 13 years? I have added a few others to the initial list I felt worth mentioning.
1913: the modern
brassiere and crossword puzzle are invented (I
wonder if the bras were
padded in 1913 like you can find
in so many stores today? LOL)
1914: gas mask invented
in time for WWI
1915: Pyrex invented (AMAZING!! And we're
still using today!)
1916: Model T Ford prices
fall to $360 -- half the 1911 price
1917: modern zipper
1920: Band-Aid invented
1922: insulin invented
1923: Clarence Birdseye
introduces frozen food
1924: spiral-bound
notebooks first appear
1928: Fleming discovers
penicillin; Schick patents the electric shaver
1929: Zenith Radio starts
year as lowest priced stock on NYSE -- ends year as highest priced
stock due to demand for its
radios; Paul Galvin (later president of Motorola) invents
the car radio
1930: Scotch tape
invented at 3M; first jet engine designs
1933: stereo records
1935: Dupont invents
nylon; radar first developed; and beer is canned for the first time
1936: Colt's revolver
1937: photocopier
1938: ballpoint pen and
Teflon invented
1940: Jeep designed; US
Census counted 132.2 million people (here)
1941: aerosol spray cans
1943: synthetic rubber
invented, along with the Slinky and Silly Putty; Cousteau co-
develops the aqualung
1944: synthetic cortisone
1945: atomic bomb
developed and used
1946: microwave oven
invented by Percy Spencer after he melts chocolate bar in his pocket
1948: Velcro and the
jukebox invented (Interesting how we're still using
but the jukebox is totally outdated!)
1949: prepared cake mixes
1950: Diner's Club
introduces first credit card (How many different
cards are in your pocket
or purse now?)
1951: Super Glue
invented; so is first video tape recorder
1952: first bar code
patent issued; first diet soft drink developed
1953: transistor radio
invented at Texas Instruments (TI); radial tire developed
(I used to have a transistor radio!)
1954: oral contraceptives
invented; Ray Kroc starts franchising McDonald's
1956: first use of
computer hard disk
1958: first legal
interracial marriage (found here) and (here)
1959: important to
generations of girls -- the Barbie Doll is introduced
1962: audio cassettes
1963: pop-top cans
1964: BASIC computer
language; permanent-press materials
1968: Douglas Englebert
invents the computer mouse
1969: ATM machine
invented; Arpanet also appears and bar code scanners developed
1970: Alan Shugart
(chairman of hard drive supplier Seagate) invents the floppy disk
1971: Intel's 4004 is
first microprocessor design; dot-matrix printer, VCR and LCD displays
also invented
1972: first video game --
Pong -- invented
(I remember playing Pong!! My
oldest brother brought it home from college for us.)
1973: gene splicing
invented; Ethernet networking invented at Xerox; BIC develops
disposable lighter;
1974: Post-it Notes and
liposuction invented
1975: laser printer
1976: ink jet printing
1977: magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) invented
1981: IBM introduces the
PC and MS-DOS appears for the first time
1983: soft bifocal
contact lenses introduced
1984: Apple Macintosh
popularizes the graphical interface; CD-ROMs invented
1985: Microsoft brings
out Windows 1.0
First solar car invented (here) (You would think they would be more developed in the
last 28 years!)
1986: Microsoft's initial
public offering (IPO); first disposable camera introduced
1987: disposable contact
lenses invented
1988: Doppler radar
invented; first patent issued for genetically-engineered animal issued
1991: first digital
answering machine
1995: DVD invented; Java
language launched by Sun Microsystems;
1996: WebTV introduced (That didn't last long!!)
1999: Google.com is
formed and the search engine goes into beta test publicly
2000: mapping of human
DNA completed
Worldwide 361 million Internet users (here)
2001: 9/11 (here)
(How many remember "9/11" but have a hard
time remembering the
2010: US Census counted
308.7 million people (here)
Worldwide almost 10 billion Internet
users (here)
Again; if you'd be interested in mailing a birthday card to my friends grandma to wish her a happy 100th birthday, leave me a comment and I will email you an address to mail it to.
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You don't have anything for 1957 (the year I was born)
ReplyDeleteI can't believe velcro is that old!
You can email me the address... but I won't make any promises... I hate the usps.... I don't ever have any stamps. :)
Isn't AMAZING about Velcro?! And really it hasn't changed (other than you can get it in stick on now.) What about Pyrex too?
DeleteI went to the original site showing the list:
1956: first use of computer hard disk
1957: Fortran developed
1958: Noyce (at Fairchild Semiconductor) and Kilby (at TI) both submit patents for integrated circuits
I remember thinking, "What the heck is Fortran??"
So, I did a search on it...
Fortran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fortran (previously FORTRAN) is a general-purpose, imperative programming language that is especially suited to numeric computation and scientific ...
So... that's why I didn't include it on the list. LOL
Wow....what an awesome list! Thanks for sharing. I am going to try to get back into the swing of things around here. have a Blessed Easter!